30 Years Experience Representing Clients Like You
Real Estate Closing Costs
It's no surprise that calculating real estate closing costs can challenge even the most mathematically astute. This is because of all the specialized fees, recording charges and taxes associated with purchasing a home. These include title service costs, recording fees, mortgage application fees, pro-rata property taxes, etc. A New York City real estate closing lawyer can discuss the costs with you.
All residential transactions have real estate closing costs well documented in detail in a standard HUD-1 form. However, closing costs are sufficiently complex and you should review, understand and be able to estimate these costs before you enter into a real estate transaction. You do not want to learn that these costs exceed your expectations or budget after you have signed a contract.
I am an experienced real estate closing attorney in New York City. I work closely with my clients and can help you save time, aggravation, and disappointment. I represent both commercial and residential clients in real estate transactions including the purchase or sale of single or multi-family homes, cooperatives and condominiums throughout New York.
For personalized attentive service and a free case evaluation with a New York City real estate closing attorney, you can contact me by telephone (212) 355-2575, fax (212)751-5911 or e-mail